How Fast Bun Installs Packages ?
To see how fast bun installs packages compared to nodejs, I created a small project that has only 5 dependencies.
- a-fetch
- a-signal
- ajv
- aws-sdk
- axios
I will use the code below to measure how much time is spend installing the packages in milliseconds
echo $(($(date +%s%N)/1000000))
npm i
echo $(($(date +%s%N)/1000000))
1675297466099 - 1675297464841 = 1258. There is a 1258 milliseconds difference so that's 1.25 seconds.
Let's try it now with bun
echo $(($(date +%s%N)/1000000))
bun i
echo $(($(date +%s%N)/1000000))
1675297678954 - 1675297678910 = 44. There is only 44 milliseconds difference and 3ms of that is because of the timestamp command.
1258/44 = 28.59. Bun was 28.5 times faster.
But that's just for 5 dependencies, what if I had 100 dependencies ?
Trying with more dependencies
Let's see. I installed most 100 depended packages from here to my demo project and we will compare the time again.
With npm:
1675299832241 - 1675299655932=176309 = 176,309 seconds = 2.93 minutes.
With bun:
1675299944684 - 1675299939218 = 5.4 seconds...
This time bun was 35 times faster
So bun can be even faster when it comes to installing packages for bigger projects.